Cheapest Car Insurance Possible Findings indicate that the statistics related to teenage car accidents are not good. As per the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 16 year old teenagers face six times more car accidents as compared to other drivers within the age group of thirty and fifty nine. That is one of the main reasons why many car insurance companies charge higher insurance premiums for this particular age group. The good news is that not all auto insurance companies charge that way, and at times even offer discounts to make the car insurance more affordable to this particular group of individuals. The article offers some suggestions how teenage drivers can avail cheaper car insurance and keep the driver is license free of violations. Follow the Rules Parents ought to encourage youngsters to follow the traffic regulatory rules. It is the best ways to prevent accidents from taking place. The rules are thought over in depth by the experts, and specially created to decrease the probability of accidents from taking place. If majority of the car drivers follow the rules stringently, it is possible to reduce the total number of road accidents substantially. A clean driving record also means lower premium amounts, since car insurance companies know the total number of claims will be less, and if a person is putting in a claim, it is not due to negligence. Be a Role Model Teenagers tend to copy their parents. It is a known fact. If you, as a parent have a habit of yelling at other drivers, or frequently get speeding tickets, you are indirectly sending a message to your kid it is OK to break the rules if you get away with it. This is wrong. Your kids are going to copy you sooner or later. It is how the subconscious works. By following a positive attitude towards driving, you are preparing your children to be more responsible towards driving, and also as responsible citizens of the society. Let your Kid be a Co-Policy Holder Rather than setting up an independent policy for your kid, it is recommended you include his or her name as a co-policy holder, or as an additional driver. It is possible to avail a discount by setting up the insurance policy this way and benefit through cheaper car insurance. Get Better Grades If your kid has a 3.0 or higher GPA, the car insurance can get reduced by as much as ten percent. It is advised you find out whether your car insurance company supports any such plan. You get a straight discount in case your insurance provider supports education related incentives. Learn Driving through Recognized Driving Classes If your kid is planning to learn driving, it is better to learn from a government approved or a creditable driving class program. Insurance companies support responsible learning, and often provide specific benefits and discounts if you have cleared your driving test from a recognized institute. A few car insurance companies also offer tailor made short term car insurance which can be really beneficial. Buy the Correct Car Teenagers crave for trendy cars - especially sports cars if you have a son - he is likely to ask for one. That is where your discretion comes in. You get him a decent car that suffices the commutation needs, and tell him to wait "a bit longer" to get that sports car. As per the findings, with age maturity levels automatically increase. So if your son is likely to drive his favorite sports car after the age of twenty one, he is likely to be a more responsible driver, and drive the car cautiously. Another advantage is that non-sports cars have lesser insurance premiums, and the car insurance is more affordable. Proper Communication Alcohol and drug abuse is a highly common factor as far as car accidents are concerned. As a parent, if you tend to talk more freely with your kid regarding alcohol and drug abuse, it is possible your son or daughter might "open up" and ask for your help if he or she is "into it". It is a great way to set up confidence levels with your kid. Improve the Driving Record If you or your kids have received a few tickets, it is going to reflect on your driving record, and this gives the insurance company a chance to increase the premium. The best way to go about it is to enroll in a traffic school, even if your kid is a good driver. It is always possible to argue with the company that "things have improved" and you are not required to pay a higher premium since the driving record has "improved".
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